Used BRUKER ImagePrep #293670420 for sale

ID: 293670420
Vintage: 2014
MALDI Sample prep machine 2014 vintage.
BRUKER ImagePrep is a spectrometer designed to prepare images quickly and accurately for rapid analysis. It uses a patented Fourier Transform Equipment for image processing and spectral analysis of image samples. The primary components of the system include a CCD array, an optical assembly, and a fringe reduction module. The CCD array is used to acquire a base image of an object or area, which is then automatically optimized by filtering and spectral analysis. The optical assembly utilizes a variety of lenses and optical components to refocus and shape the image to be analyzed. The fringe reduction module utilizes advanced algorithms to reduce any interference patterns from the measured spectrum. The unit also features a powerful software package for processing, analysis, and visualization of the acquired data. ImagePrep software is designed to guide users through a variety of task management steps as well as detailed customization of image processing and spectral analysis options. It offers a variety of auto-alignment options, automatic baseline corrections, spectral data analysis, and image classification capabilities. BRUKER ImagePrep machine utilizes a wide variety of sensors from many vendors to ensure compatibility with almost any of the latest scientific instrumentation. It also features a variety of accessories, such as sample holders, lamps, and filters, to facilitate the analysis and capture of the desired images. In addition, the tool is capable of conveniently storing and managing any acquired images. These images can be moved to other compatible systems for further processing, analysis, or even visualization. In conclusion, ImagePrep is a powerful scientific instrument for quickly and accurately preparing images for rapid analysis and visual inspection. The asset features a variety of components included a CCD array, optical assembly, fringe reduction module, and powerful software package for data processing, analysis, and visualization. BRUKER ImagePrep model also includes accessories, such as sample holders, lamps, and filters, and is compatible with a wide variety of instruments and image formats. Furthermore, it allows users to conveniently store and manage the acquired images with the ability to move them to other compatible systems for further processing and analysis.
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