Used CAMECA IMS 5F #293652624 for sale
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CAMECA IMS 5F (Ion Microprobe Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer) is a unique and powerful analytical tool based on the Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) technique, capable of studying surfaces, interfaces and thin films with a high degree of dimensional and chemical resolution. IMS 5F allows for surface elemental composition analysis, quantitative 3D imaging of topographic surface features, and elemental and isotopic imaging with a range of isotope ratios and detection limits not achievable with other techniques. The instrument's performance is further enhanced by its patented Cs$^+$ primary ion source, the combination of which makes CAMECA IMS 5F ideal for a range of materials analysis applications, such as the trace element analysis of materials, topography and depth profiling characterization. Using specially designed data acquisition and analysis software, IMS 5F can identify and quantify elemental and isotopic composition of organic and inorganic samples in a range of composition scales. Due to its high mass resolution and detection limits, CAMECA IMS 5F is capable of providing qualitative and quantitative elemental and isotopic analysis down to the subatomic level. Using an ion beam of Primary Cs$^+$, IMS 5F is capable of depth profiling over samples of up to 150 nm in thickness and area coverage up to 170 million Å$^2$. CAMECA IMS 5F has the added advantage of operating with a variable primary beam current, giving users the ability to choose from a selection of ion beam currents, ranging from 0.05 pA to 3500 pA. This feature gives the user the ability to sample with a range of dynamic depths and lateral resolutions. IMS 5F also offers high-sensitivity image mapping with lateral resolutions down to 1nm and up to 4.8 mm$^2$ in area. The dynamic range of CAMECA IMS 5F imaging is from low ppm levels up to several weight-percent of the reported element. The combination of its elemental and isotopic analysis capabilities, with high resolution imaging and depth profiling means that IMS 5F is well-suited to a variety of important applications, including but not limited to: 3D imaging of surfaces and features, materials analysis, nanoscale analysis, electronic doping analysis, depth profiling and contamination studies, semiconductor and ceramic analysis, compositional analysis and materials validation.
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