Used CAMECA IMS 5F #9375775 for sale
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CAMECA IMS 5F is a high-performance ion microprobe spectrometer designed for materials analysis. IMS 5F is equipped with a 5-axis rastered beam, an 18 cm rastered probe (0.2 - 5 µm spot size) and a wide variety of detection options such as secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), laser-induced breakdown spectrometry (LIBS), and elastic recoil detection. Its mechanical stability and true real-time analysis capability provides a powerful analysis solution for applications such as materials and surface analysis. CAMECA IMS 5F features high spatial resolution, analytical sensitivity and high mass-analytical resolution with minimal sample preparation requirements. Its modern design delivers excellent performance through simultaneous acquisition of multiple secondary ions and resolution at high rates of 1 kHz reverse lens mode. Its advanced multi-stage extraction platform ensures a low noise floor. IMS 5F is also designed with an advanced ultra-high vacuum (UHV) chamber for ultimate cleanliness with a high ultra-high vacuum life time, and a long sample sputter life. The system is highly intuitive with advanced graphical user interface (GUI), eliminating the learning curve making it easy to use. Functional benefits of CAMECA IMS 5F include flexibility to change the spot size/dwell time/eV resolution of the rastered beam during data acquisition. It also makes automatic set up of the most frequently used parameters with advanced run directions and several user-defined functions. IMS 5F is equipped with a wide array of detectors to match the sample application. Its SIMS detector features electron multiplier and Faraday cup detectors for optimum sensitivity and dynamic range. It can also be equipped with RBS detector for use in particle identification and depth profiling in order to better relate the composition to the physical structure of the sample. In addition, CAMECA IMS 5F is equipped with a UV laser ablation system for LIBS analysis for ultimate elemental profiling. Overall, IMS 5F is a powerful and versatile spectrometer that is suitable for a wide range of sample applications. Its hybrid instrument design offers a combination of multiple individual detectors for high fit-for-purpose analysis with the highest dynamic range. Its intuitive user interface system further enhances the user experience and offers a higher level of productivity.
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