Used CAMECA IMS 7F #9226870 for sale
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ID: 9226870
Vintage: 2005
Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (SIMS)
Vacuum system
Main power rack
Computer and monitor
Vacuum pump
2005 vintage.
CAMECA IMS 7F is a high-performance, multi-collectors, ion microprobe spectrometer designed for isotopic and elemental analysis of solid samples. This instrument utilizes a focused primary beam of ions produced by a high-voltage sputter ion source and a powerful spectrometer for measuring the mass of the secondary ions and isotopic abundances. IMS 7F employs a 7-sector static magnetic analyzer - an innovative combination of seven high-sensitivity, high-precision secondary electron and/or ion detectors with active drive elements. This creates a wide energy range with high resolution collection and sensitivity, and a resolving power of up to 150,000 at a 30-mm acceptance. It also has two laser-controlled raster scanning systems for accurate particle positioning, allowing for precise and efficient profiling. CAMECA IMS 7F is equipped with an automatic physical correction system that corrects for knock-on effects from the primary beam. Its powerful image-processing capabilities allow for fast data acquisition and optimized signal to noise ratios. A user-friendly graphical user interface makes for easy set-up and operation. In addition, IMS 7F includes a signal-amplifier beam position electronics system that allows measurements from sub-micron to several hundreds of microns in size. This is achieved by changing the beam position according to sample type and desired resolution. A wide range of sputter ion sources provide the option of low-angle analysis and high-angle measurement for a wide range of evaluation techniques. Finally, CAMECA IMS 7F is capable of analysis of single analytical spots or complete elemental mapping. It also has the capability to determine fine scale isotopic mixing and irregular distributions. This compact and versatile spectrometer offers state-of-the-art performance for the characterization of solid samples at the nanometer scale.
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