Used CAMECA IMS WF / SC Ultra #9266586 for sale

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ID: 9266586
Wafer Size: 8"-12"
Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (SIMS), 8"-12" Voltage: 3 Volts.
CAMECA IMS WF / SC Ultra is a high-performance spectrometer used for chemical and isotopic analysis. It provides accurate data for a variety of analytical applications including elemental and mineralogical analysis of geological, industrial and natural environments. This instrument utilizes a Faraday detector, specific to CAMECA instruments, to analyze the properties of elements at the atomic level. The instrument utilizes Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) which sends a beam of ions to the sample surface and then measures the response from the sample at different ion energies. It is able to detect elements over a wide range of concentrations and can discriminate between isotopes of the same element with a mass range from 12 to 238 amu. Additionally, the instrument can measure elements with a precision of 1 part per million (ppm). It has a high-sensitivity ultra-vacuum chamber which ensures stable operation over a long period of time and assists in the precision of isotopic measurements. IMS WF / SC Ultra incorporates a sample analysis port as well as a computerized data acquisition system which allow for automatic data collection and analysis of the sample. The data collected from the spectrometer can be used to determine the concentration of elements in a sample as well as isotopic analysis. Additionally, the instrument incorporates an imaging capability that provides images of samples which can be used for textural studies. Overall, CAMECA IMS WF / SC Ultra is an advanced spectrometer designed for elemental and isotopic analysis fields to study elemental concentrations and isotopes for a variety of industries and applications. Its ability to provide accurate results with high resolution and sensitivity makes it the ideal instrument for analyzing data at the atomic level.
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