Used NANOMETRICS HL 5500 #9315595 for sale

HL 5500
ID: 9315595
Hall tester.
NANOMETRICS HL 5500 spectrometer is an advanced, high-precision instrument designed to measure the absorption, scattering and reflection of light in the UV-VIS-NIR and visible ranges. This particular spectrometer offers an extended wavelength range, which can be customized to cover ranges from UV to NIR. It also features a dynamically adjustable instrument length for different sample types and a wide range of antireflective surfaces to minimize stray light and resulting measurement errors. NANOMETRICS HL-5500 is an ideal choice for many types of laboratory applications, including chemical analysis, biomedical research, and materials characterization. It combines a range of accessories and optics to offer a comprehensive and versatile spectrometer system. For example, it can use a variety of light sources, such as xenon lamps, LED's and halogen lamps, can accommodate different detectors, and has an optional thermo-electric cooler to ensure a stable operating temperature. The spectrometer features a large sample chamber for bulk material and a compact design to fit in tight spaces. Its intuitive on-screen user interface makes the instrument easy to use and its automated operations reduce the need for manual adjustments of the optics. HL 5500 also offers modular sample holders for sample sizes of up to 50 mm in diameter, and a wide range of filters and lenses to adjust the light intensity and focus spectrum. HL-5500 spectrometer is a powerful and reliable instrument designed for accurate spectrophotometry measurements with high resolution and sensitivity. Its extended wavelength range, multiple light sources, and wide range of accessories make it an ideal choice for many applications. With its intuitive user interface, automated sample handling, and high-precision optics, NANOMETRICS HL 5500 provides accurate and precise measurements, allowing it to be used in all types of laboratories.
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