Used PERKIN ELMER Analyst 200 #9270478 for sale

PERKIN ELMER Analyst 200
ID: 9270478
Atomic absorption spectrometer.
PERKIN ELMER Analyst 200 is an atomic absorption spectrometer designed for a range of applications, such as elemental analysis, trace metal analysis, inorganic and organic compound analysis, and material identification. It is designed to provide fast, accurate and reliable analytical results for both scientific and industrial analysis. Analyst 200 is equipped with an advanced gas cell equipment that consists of a flame or electrothermal atomizer, detector, and sample introduction system. This gas cell unit is uniquely designed to ensure optimal atomization, detection, and data processing for every sample. The powerful gas cell machine is able to detect elements including sodium, calcium, magnesium, and aluminum, as well as other molecular species such as hydrocarbons an d stable radicals. The instrument utilizes a quartz lamp atomizer and an electrothermal atomizer, both of which generate high-temperature plasmas to ultra-hot particles flowing at supersonic speeds. This results in increased sensitivity and execution, giving PERKIN ELMER Analyst 200 the ability to measure a broad range of elements, including several that are not typically monitored with traditional AAS systems. The instrument also offers a variety of sample introduction technologies, which ensures efficient and accurate measurements are obtained. This includes a graphite furnace atomizer that allows for the analysis of volatile and trace elements; and a solution introduction tool that is ideal for conducting qualitative or quantitative determinations from dilute solutions. Finally, the asset is designed for user-friendly and fast operation. Analyst 200 is equipped with an intuitive software model with various reporting and data sharing options. This software equipment collects data from the instrument to generate reports, graphs, charts, and other data representations. The powerful software also allows for results to be remotely accessed and accessed by a variety of users within an organization.
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