Used PERKIN ELMER Optima 8000 DV #293655024 for sale

ID: 293655024
Vintage: 2015
ICP Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES) Type: Hybrid POLYSCIENCE Chiller No autosampler PC included 2015 vintage.
PERKIN ELMER Optima 8000 DV is a versatile and powerful spectrometer for a wide array of applications. The instrument features a monochromator with dual detection systems (an ultra-stable low-noise photodiode array and a vacuum CCD) that are capable of measuring over a large range of wavelengths. The dual device system makes it possible to use this spectrometer for sophisticated applications such as time-resolved spectroscopy, which requires detection at multiple wavelengths simultaneously. The speed and accuracy of Optima 8000 DV increases throughput, enabling users to monitor and analyze samples quickly and accurately. This spectrometer provides high stability and reproducibility by utilizing the wide pass bandwidth and the dual CCD detectors. PERKIN ELMER Optima 8000 DV has multiple accessories for various applications, such as an autosampler for analyzing multiple samples, an accessory for chromatography, and a cell for studying solution samples. Additionally, the instrument has an array of data analysis and data management tools, such as graphical deconvolutions, spectral analysis, and spectral editing. The powerful online software suite guides users through the entire data acquisition and instrument control procedure. The design of Optima 8000 DV makes it a reliable and easy to use intuitive spectrometer. The instrument has automatic zeroing, which ensures baseline stability, and it also has wavelength control, which ensures proper wavelength accuracy and repeatability. Additionally, the instrument has an intuitive user interface which is user friendly for any level of expertise. PERKIN ELMER Optima 8000 DV features a wide range of analytical tools, such as chemometric analysis, principal component analysis, and line shape analysis. For those who need spectroscopic measurements and calculations, the instrument can provide UV/VIS absorbance data, fluorescence intensity, and Raman measurements. Optima 8000 DV is a powerful and versatile spectrometer with advanced features that enable users to accurately measure samples for complex applications. The instrument is fast and accurate, and features intuitive user interfaces and a variety of analytical tools.
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