Used SHIMADZU GC-17A #293627781 for sale

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ID: 293627781
Gas chromatography system Power supply: 115V.
SHIMADZU GC-17A is a spectrometer designed to measure sample compounds including volatile and semi-volatile components. The spectrometer is robust and well-suited for routine testing in laboratories and academia. It is equipped with a powerful FID detector, large volume oven for adequate injection capacity, and an FPD with a highly sensitive deuterium lamp for maximum sensitivity. The instrument also features fast heating rates, an automatic sampling valve, and an improved inlet liner equipment for selective operation. The oven of the SHIMADU GC-17A is a six-zone temperature ramp oven which allows for faster start-up and rapid cycle times. The dual range pressure control system allows for better control of inlet temperature and pressure variations, while the auto-sampler valve allows for optimal transfer efficiency of sample compounds. The FPD detector, or flame photometric detector, is extremely sensitive and can detect a wide range of organic compounds including aldehydes, ketones and carbon monoxide. The dual range pressure control unit and automatic sampling valve provide superior performance and control of the sample-inlet temperatures. The FID detector provides excellent sensitivity at low concentrations and allows for accurate quantification of the most difficult compounds. The heated inlet machine provides high reliability and reduces time for bleed-out of nonvolatile residue. SHIMADZU GC-17A also features a Flow-Path Monitor, which is used to monitor the number of sample injections, total cycle time and temperature, pressure and pressure variations. This allows for precise and consistent analysis for reproducible results. Its diagnostic tool facilitates side-socket modular design, inlet and column line changeover, quick inlet start-up, and operation of the instrument under optimum conditions. Overall, GC-17A spectrometer is highly reliable, precise, and accurate. It features the most advanced inlet asset, enhanced sensitivity and response time, excellent resolution, and manual or automatic instrument operation. Its versatile design makes it suitable for a wide range of applications and a must-have for any laboratory.
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