Used SHIMADZU LC-20AD SP #293635881 for sale

ID: 293635881
Liquid chromatograph.
SHIMADZU LC-20AD SP is a powerful and versatile liquid chromatograph and mass spectrometer (LC/MS) equipment designed to provide superior analytical performance in virtually any combination of UHPLC, HPLC, and MS technique. It combines the proven, high-sensitivity and excellent resolution of SHIMADZU LC and MS technologies, packaged in one easy-to-use system. The unit couples a high-pressure pump, injector, and automatic sample changer with a time-of-flight mass detector. This innovative LC/MS machine can easily handle the most challenging analytical tasks, such as the analysis of complex environmental matrices. LC-20AD SP utilizes a precise and high-efficiency gradient pump tool, providing the highest performance and highest resolution separations of any LC/MS asset on the market. It can easily switch between high and low pressure pumps, with maximum retention time accuracy of 8K positions and minimum time elapses of 0.1 ms. This feature is also beneficial for on-line control, allowing fast separations with minimized memory congestions. The model is further enhanced by the injection valve's automatic sample changeover and the auto-data processors' ability to process the large volume of data generated from the automatic sample introduction. The equipment includes a high-sensitivity, low-energy and labeled collision cell which provides a host of functions for a wide range of analyses. It allows for easy detection and identification of compounds even at very low concentrations and provides excellent mass resolution and mass accuracy in the range from 0.1 to 2000 amu. It also has a powerful data processing capabilities, enabling the user to easily identify components, perform peak integration and detect trace elements. The pre-programmed mass spectra libraries enable the user to reliably identify and quantify components in complex mixtures. SHIMADZU LC-20AD SP has built-in features to ensure accurate quantitative analysis of samples, with a wide variety of highly sensitive detectors including FLD, UV, refractive index, evaporative light scattering and electrochemical (ECD) sensors. The automated sample introduction and data processors provide a fast and accurate data acquisition, as well as reliable analysis of environmental matrices. The system is further complemented by automatic data acquisition and comprehensive report generation software, providing users with comprehensive and comprehensive analytical results. All in all, LC-20AD SP is a powerful, versatile and user-friendly LC/MS unit that will meet the needs of those requiring a high-sensitivity LC/MS machine for a wide array of applications.
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