Used SHIMADZU LCMS-8040 #9213983 for sale

ID: 9213983
Vintage: 2016
Mass spectrometer Includes: Qty P/N Description (1) 225-19503-54 LCMS-8040 CL Without rotary pump (1) 220-91588-20 LCMS-8040 C Accessory package (1) 228-45012-54 CBM-20A CL. (1) 228-45019-54 DGU-20A5R CL (2) 228-45162-54 Nexera LC-30AD CL HPLC Pump (1) 228-45205-58 Nexera LC-30AD Low volume LPGE unit with 40 uL Mixer (1) 228-45168-41 Nexera LC-30AD Micro mixer, 20 uL (1) 228-45157-54 Nexera SIL-30AC CL Auto sampler (1) 228-45013-41 FCV-12AH 2-Pos 6-Port flow switching valve (1) 228-45166-54 FCV-32AH CL 2-Position, 6 port high pressure switching valve (1) 220-91522-79 IDEX 2/6 15k or 18k Tubing fittings kit (1) 228-45009-42 CTO-20A 2016 vintage.
SHIMADZU LCMS-8040 is a high-resolution spectrometer designed for use in the field of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LCMS). The instrument includes a photodiode array detector, a quadrupole triple time-of-flight mass spectrometer, and a two-dimensional orthogonal acceleration time of flight (oaTOF). This enables LCMS-8040 to acquire highly charged ions of high mass accuracy simultaneously over the whole mass range of the sample. The quadrupole mode of SHIMADZU LCMS-8040 utilizes a quadrupole mass analyzer with ion mirrors and an ESD stage to select and isolate a particular ion in the sample. This allows the instrument to focus on a particular mass range, reducing background and increasing the signal-to-noise ratio. In addition, the quadrupole mode can be used to generate an isotope ratio profile of particular compounds. The orthogonal acceleration time of flight mode utilizes an inlet system from which ions are accelerated into a linear quadrupole and a time-of-flight ion optics tube filled with low-pressure gases. This allows the identification of elemental species or molecules, based on their mass and fragmentation patterns. The orthogonal acceleration time-of-flight mode on LCMS-8040 is especially useful for the analysis of trace amounts of compounds due to its high sensitivity. The photodiode array detector (PAD) of SHIMADZU LCMS-8040 is used in conjunction with the time-of-flight and quadrupole mass analyzer for accurate mass measurements. The PAD has a high sensitivity and can detect compounds with concentrations below the nanogram/milliliter range with accurate quantitation. It can also collect MS/MS spectra from several precursor ions simultaneously. LCMS-8040 has a number of other features which make it so useful. It has an automated online sample preparation system which is compatible with a variety of liquid chromatography autosamplers. The instrument also features an automated data preprocessing software which can process and analyze large data sets quickly. The data from SHIMADZU LCMS-8040 can be easily transferred to other popular instruments, such as mass spectrometers, and NMR spectrometers. In addition, it is capable of chromatograms with a resolution of better than 0.25Da. Overall, LCMS-8040 is a powerful and versatile instrument that is ideal for a wide range of applications. With its ability to identify elemental species, perform trace and ultra-trace analysis, generate MS/MS spectra, and acquire highly charged ions, SHIMADZU LCMS-8040 is an invaluable tool for the study of complex samples. The automated sample preparation system and online data preprocessing ensure the efficiency and reliability of the results. Furthermore, easy transferability and compatibility with other instruments allow LCMS-8040 to be used in a wide variety of laboratory settings.
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