Used SPARK HOLLAND Midas #9359497 for sale
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SPARK HOLLAND Midas is a unique spectrometer, an instrument designed for X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis of materials. This equipment is used to determine the elemental composition of a variety of materials, both inorganic and organic. Midas is a modern XRF spectrometer and a high performance ICP-OES instrument. SPARK HOLLAND Midas provides precise and reliable results in the most demanding analytical conditions. Midas utilises a rotating anode X-ray source made up of an optimized target wheel, providing continuous X-rays from the elements present in the material. The X-rays are filtered through a monochromator and detector system, before reaching the sample where signals are collected and converted into primary and secondary electrons. SPARK HOLLAND Midas utilises imaging technology and therefore is an excellent analytical tool for discrete X-ray fluorescence analysis. Midas is able to detect and accurately measure elements from magnesium (Mg) to uranium (U) with a sensitivity range from ppb to ppm and excellent repeatability. The combination of the rotating anode X-ray source and the specifically designed sample environment ensures reliable and accurate results, allowing for detection of trace elements with sub-ppm (parts per million) limits of quantification (LOQ). SPARK HOLLAND Midas is an efficient and easy to use unit, ideal for a wide range of analytical applications. It features high-resolution imaging of samples due to the light collection filters used, providing detailed images of the sample structure as well as the elemental composition. The machine is user friendly, featuring pre-programmed template features as well as multiple user-friendly applications. Midas also has a built in Wizard feature, providing users with a 'step-by-step' guide to setup and running analyses. This feature is ideal for inexperienced users or novice users of XRF, providing them with the guidance to generate accurate and reliable results. Overall, SPARK HOLLAND Midas is an advanced and highly efficient XRF spectrometer, capable of providing precise and reliable XRF results in the most demanding analytical conditions. This versatile spectrometer is ideal for a variety of materials and applications, offering advanced imaging capabilities as well as user-friendly features, making this machine an ideal choice for anyone looking for an all-round XRF tool.
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