Used SPARK HOLLAND SDU 796 #293637172 for sale
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SPARK HOLLAND SDU 796 spectrometer is a high-performance instrument that utilizes advanced dichroic mirror and fiber-optic technology to create precise, high-resolution spectral analyses. This device is widely used to measure the optical characteristics of light sources, and it has become a widely accepted tool for the research and development of optical systems and devices. SDU 796 utilizes dichroic mirror, filters and a highly sensitive detector for precise spectral analysis of light sources. The device is capable of making precise digitized spectral measurements and can measure a wide range of spectra from the UV to the IR region. The device is equipped with a polychromator and special mirrors for the precise analysis and distinction of light sources. The polychromator is a device that separates light into different wavelengths and can be lens, grating and monochromator based. The polychromator operates with the help of an optical diffraction grating, or prism, that is positioned between a source and a detector. This prism separates the light source into its different wavelengths and sends the light to the detector. The device also features an on-board processor that enables advanced features such as data storage and analysis in real-time. This processor also allows the device to use data-driven algorithms to reduce noise and maximize sensitivity. The spectrometer is made up of a high-quality optical system that includes a monochromator and a highly sensitive detector. The monochromator is a device that disperses light into its component wavelengths for precise spectral analysis. The detector consists of an array of optically sensitive elements known as "pixels" that are capable of detecting an individual wavelength from the light source. SPARK HOLLAND SDU 796 is an ideal spectrometer for research applications that require precise spectral analysis. It is a highly versatile instrument that can be used to analyze a variety of light sources. The device is also well suited for use in the fiber-optic industry for analyzing the optical properties of fiber-optic components. This spectrometer provides remarkable sensitivity and accuracy for a wide range of applications and its advanced features make it easy to use and highly reliable.
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