Used SPECTRO SCIENTIFIC Spectroil M #9097800 for sale

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ID: 9097800
Vintage: 1996
Optical emission spectrometer Analyzes metals and contaminants in lubricating oil 1996 vintage.
SPECTRO SCIENTIFIC Spectroil M is a state-of-the-art spectrometer designed for high precision, rapid analysis of various types of spectral information, such as oil, fuel, and chemical samples. The instrument features a double monochromator grating design, coupled with an array detector enabling it to acquire spectral data with a high degree of repeatability and accuracy. Its best-in-class spectrochemical capabilities are further enhanced by a series of sensors and signal processors which allow it to accurately identify and quantify trace constituents in the samples. Spectroil M offers both direct as well as indirect measurements. For direct measurements, the instrument has a multi-element detector that can simultaneously acquire spectral data for multiple elements. This allows for simultaneous acquisition of the spectral information of multiple elements in real-time. Additionally, the detector can distinguish signals that contain different levels of information, enabling it to obtain data of the highest precision. For researching differing constituents in a sample, the Instrument has an extensive range of software and parameters that allow for the acquisition of spectroscopic information from the sample. This includes processing and analyzing the spectral information for the presence of various compounds. Additionally, SPECTRO SCIENTIFIC Spectroil M uses an advanced signal processing technique to identify and discriminate between trace elements present in the sample. The spectrochemical system of the instrument is made up of a number of optical and mechanical components. For instance, the Pola-Array Spectrometer uses a series of lenses and grids, which together form the core design. This optical system permits the capture of spectral data in a wavelength range between 200 nm and 1000 nm and data resolution of ≥0.1 nm. The sampling optics is mounted on a goniometric head, which allows for the acquisition of angle-resolved data from the sample. Overall, Spectroil M is a precise and robust instrument for performing a wide range of spectroscopic measurements. It provides reliable, repeatable, and accurate data from trace elements in the sample. The key components, such as the Pola-Array system, the signal processor, and the user-friendly software, together ensure that the instrument can offer its users an enhanced level of performance and analysis.
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