Used THERMO SCIENTIFIC LTQ XL #9106695 for sale

ID: 9106695
Ion trap mass spectrometer Accela HPLC package.
THERMO SCIENTIFIC LTQ XL is a high performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) equipment that offers excellent sensitivity, resolution and selectivity for metabolite profiling, targeted and untargeted metabolomics, and analysis of drugs and dyes. The robust and reliable instrument is ideal for a wide variety of applications, including drug discovery, biomarker verification, and environmental monitoring. LTQ XL system combines the power of liquid chromatography, accurate mass measurement, and tandem mass spectrometry to identify and quantify a large range of metabolites. The unit uses an adjustable source voltage and Automatic Gain Control (AGC) to create a wide dynamic range of ions and detect both high- and low-abundance components. The machine also includes an Advanced Data Acquisition Tool (ADAS) that processes and stores the data on the fly, and an Automatic Tune Asset (ATS) that optimizes the instrument when running sample injection sequences and automatically tunes to the mass range of the injected sample. An iterative method of acquisition ensures that the maximum number of low abundance compounds are detected in a single injection. The advanced sensitivity of THERMO SCIENTIFIC LTQ XL allows for operation at extremely low flow rates with low levels of sample waste. The model is equipped with a Deans Switch, which allows for simultaneous acquisition of multiple MS/MS spectra with a single scan, and is able to detect complex mixtures of compounds from complex samples. LTQ XL has been designed to quickly and efficiently target and analyze polarized, non-polar, and heated compounds. It incorporates two Quadrupole Model ion traps to detect different types of ions and increase the overall sensitivity of the equipment. The ion traps have an adjustable collision energy level that can be used to separate ions for specific compounds. The ion traps also have high-energy resolution to detect even small mass differences between isotopes or elements. THERMO SCIENTIFIC LTQ XL also incorporates an advanced Chromatography Analysis Data Control (CADC) system for improved data quality and simplified analysis. The CADC allows for offline analysis of complex data sets and allows for greater ease when setting up experiments. The CADC is ideal for routine laboratory work, but can also be used for complex research applications. LTQ XL is a reliable and powerful unit that provides a wide range of options for metabolite profiling, drug discovery, biomarker verification, and environmental monitoring. It provides accurate and precise quantification and separation of metabolites and offers improved sensitivity and resolution for complex samples. With its improved sensitivity, fast set-up, and low flow rate, THERMO SCIENTIFIC LTQ XL is an ideal instrument for applications in the life sciences.
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