Used THERMO SCIENTIFIC LTQ XL #9155161 for sale

ID: 9155161
Ion trap mass spectrometer With Agilent 1100.
THERMO SCIENTIFIC LTQ XL is a high resolution mass spectrometer designed to be used for the analysis of complex biological samples. It is capable of both qualitative and quantitative analyses of proteins and other biomolecules by combining multiple analytical techniques. The instrument is equipped with an ion-trap and an orthogonal time-of-flight detector. It is capable of providing accurate high resolution mass and charge distributions to evaluate and quantify proteins and peptide mixtures that are typically present in biological samples. LTQ XL uses a number of technologies to provide detailed analysis of complex samples. The instrument utilizes advanced Ion Trap/Time-of-Flight (TOF) tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) technology enabling ultra-fast and accurate analysis of single and multiple precursor ions. This allows highly specific and detailed characterization of proteins and peptides. The instrument also features a linear ion trap quadrupole which provides increased transmission efficiency and abundance sensitivity. THERMO SCIENTIFIC LTQ XL also features a powerful software suite to accommodate the many analytical capabilities that it has to offer. The suite includes THERMO SCIENTIFIC™ Xcalibur™ software, powerful data acquisition software that enables optimized performance and processing of data. The software automates the analysis of complex data, provides data manipulation and visualization tools to efficiently identify and quantify proteins and peptides. Other features of the instrument include automated sample preparation using combined liquid chromatography (LC) separation, high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) and electrospray ionization (ESI) for fast comprehensive structural analysis. LTQ XL also has a wide dynamic range to catch and identify peptides. THERMO SCIENTIFIC LTQ XL is an advanced and powerful spectrometer, designed to give researchers accurate and comprehensive analyses of complex biological samples. The instrument combines advancedion-trap and time-of-flight technologies with powerful software for effective and reliable data analysis. This all makes LTQ XL an ideal tool for a wide range of proteomic, peptidomic and metabolomic applications.
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