Used THERMO SCIENTIFIC Nicolet 6700 #9235636 for sale

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ID: 9235636
Wafer Size: 8"
FTIR System, 8" With PIKE TECHNOLOGY MappIR system Automated mapping analysis wafers Specular reflection / Transmission mode Square wafers & holders Square wafer mounts.
THERMO SCIENTIFIC Nicolet 6700 is a Fourier transform infra-red spectrometer which is designed for variety of applications in chemical analysis. It offers high spectral resolution and signal-to-noise ratio for superior spectral quality. This system has two ports, a source and a detector, that are connected through a light path configured by a Michelson interferometer. The source is an X-drive Globar, a tunable coherent source of infrared light. The output is focused onto a detector, which is usually a mid- or near-infrared (MIR / NIR) detector. Nicolet 6700 features a built-in monochromator and sample chamber with temperature control. The monochromator is operated by two fine tuning mirrors that adjust the intensity and wavelength of the light. The sample chamber is used to measure the infrared spectrum of a sample and can be either an air-filled transmittance cell or an attenuated total reflection (ATR). Both of these methods utilize a sample and reference beam which measure the differences in the transmitted light for a given sample. THERMO SCIENTIFIC Nicolet 6700 is a versatile system that can be easily customized to suit various needs. It has an integrated software package with comprehensive data processing capabilities. Data can be adjusted, analyzed, and presented in a variety of formats including total spectral scans, multi-scan formats, peak tables and direct integration. The system also allows users to acquire multiple scans quickly and easily. Data can be stored in a variety of formats, both in its native formats and in common standards such as UV-Vis, ATR, and GC-MS. A variety of sample panels are also available, making it easy to capture the right conditions and settings for each sample. Nicolet 6700 also supports multiple output options such as USB, RS232, and Ethernet, making it easy to share data with other instruments. THERMO SCIENTIFIC Nicolet 6700 is an excellent tool for detailed infrared studies, offering superior spectral quality and throughput. It is capable of collecting data quickly and reliably, and its integrated software package makes data analysis straightforward. Its multiple output options make it easy to share data with other instruments, and its variety of sample panels make it highly customizable. Its range of options makes Nicolet 6700 a versatile yet powerful instrument for chemical analysis.
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