Used THERMO SCIENTIFIC Orbitrap Fusion Lumos #293636622 for sale

THERMO SCIENTIFIC Orbitrap Fusion Lumos
ID: 293636622
Spectrometer ETD Included.
THERMO SCIENTIFIC Orbitrap Fusion Lumos is a high performance mass spectrometer that combines an innovative hybrid trap architecture, enabling high resolution and effectively unlimited mass range. It is comprised of both Orbitrap and linear ion trap technologies and combines the best elements of both systems for optimal performance in proteomics and metabolomics. Orbitrap Fusion Lumos employs Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry (FTMS) which utilizes an electric field tuned to a specific, constant frequency. The result is the simultaneous detection of the mass-to-charge ratio of ions with high sensitivity and resolution. With an enhanced ion transmission, transmission efficiency (the ratio of ions that leave the transfer cell compared to the number that enter), decreased noise levels and superior fourier resolution, THERMO SCIENTIFIC Orbitrap Fusion Lumos exhibits increased flexibility and performance capabilities. The dynamic range of the Lumos is extended further by the Hybrid Quadrupole Trap (QTrap) utilizing linear ion trapping technology. The QTrap provides an additional level of mass analysis, targeted MS/MS and isothermal MS/MS and isothermal fragmentation. This allows for a more versatile and expansive range of capabilities for the user. The Lumos is operated with Thermo's Fusion and Xcalibur 3.2 software. The software provides a robust graphical interface with a wide range of analytical functions, including data acquisition, data storage, data analysis, and report generation. The Fusion software enables the instrument to produce accurate high resolution and accurate mass data with instrumental reproducibility, enabling data manipulation, fragment ion spectra and interpretation. In summary, Orbitrap Fusion Lumos is an advanced mass spectrometer that combines the best of Orbitrap and linear Ion Trap technologies to achieve a broad range of mass analysis capabilities. The high resolution and effectively unlimited mass range of the Lumos offers the user enhanced sensitivity, dynamic range, and a wide range of analytical features and functions. The user-friendly software enables data acquisition, storage, and analysis with instrument reproducibility, making it an ideal tool for proteomics, metabolomics, and more.
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