Used THERMO SCIENTIFIC TSQ Quantum Ultra4 #9219465 for sale

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ID: 9219465
Mass spectrometer.
THERMO SCIENTIFIC TSQ Quantum Ultra4 is a state-of-the-art triple quadrupole mass spectrometer designed for high-throughput, quantitative analysis of a wide variety of compounds. This advanced instrument offers superior chromatographic separations and highly sensitive quantitation of compounds, enabling the detection of low to sub-ng/mL levels in a single compound. Features such as an adjustable heated injection port, a robust triple-axis collision cell, a dual ion source, and a built-in guard column make this spectrometer ideal for extremely accurate quantitative and qualitative analyses. TSQ Quantum Ultra4 features an advanced ion source that can accommodate multiple different sources of ionization, including electrospray ionization (ESI), atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI), and atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI). This enables users to select the most suitable ionization method for any particular analyte. The instrument also features a highly sensitive, adjustable heated injection port, which allows for consistent, efficient sample introduction. The triple-axis collision cell in THERMO SCIENTIFIC TSQ Quantum Ultra4 is designed to maximize the transfer of energy during collisions, resulting in superior triple quadrupole performance. Further, the addition of a dual ion source design and a built-in guard column improves the system's resolution and sensitivity. The dual ion source design allows for the through-flow of ions from both ion sources simultaneously, while the guard column helps regulate the amount of these ions to ensure optimal sensitivity. Overall, TSQ Quantum Ultra4 is an ideal spectrometer for high performance-liquid chromatography (HPLC)-based analyses, specifically for quantifying compounds at low concentrations. Its advanced ion source design, adjustable heated injection port, and triple-axis collision cell provide optimal performance for precise quantitation of ionizable compounds. This highly sensitive instrument can analyze samples at low to sub-ng/mL concentrations, enabling the study of compounds under natural environmental analytes.
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