Used THERMO SCIENTIFIC Velos Pro #9259157 for sale

ID: 9259157
Spectrometer With EDT THERMO SCIENTIFIC NESLAB ThermoFlex900 Chiller Sources: Nanospray Flex ion HESI Windows XP Professional 2002 CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.33 GHz RAM: 3GB.
THERMO SCIENTIFIC Velos Pro is a double-focusing mass spectrometer (DFMS) that provides ultra-high resolution data for the characterization of large molecules in complex biological matrices. The unit features a high-performance electromagnet that can detect ions with up to 3,500 resolving power, making it ideal for precise molecular characterization. The DFMS also features a multi-mode ion detector that can operate in electron ionization (EI), chemical ionization (CI) and other ionization techniques. The instrument comes with the most advanced software available, which provides a full suite of data analysis and management capabilities that are customizable for each application. Velos Pro also provides an unparalleled level of data acquisition speed and sensitivity. Its ultra-high vacuum system ensures low background noise and prevents the accumulation of contaminants, allowing it to provide rapid analysis with a deep sensitivity. The unit utilizes an advanced quadrupole and ion guide system to ensure selectivity and accuracy of data acquisition. The unit features a robust and ergonomic design. It is equipped with five different user-selectable autosampler configurations and a variety of optional heating and cooling scenarios for a wide range of sample types and applications. The use of low or medium energy collisions helps reduce sample loss and introduces less noise than higher energy collisions. One of the most unique features of THERMO SCIENTIFIC Velos Pro is its automated background subtraction algorithm. This provides a window of opportunity to optimize parameters for each sample type, enabling comprehensive analysis of sample complexity. The ability to fine-tune parameters on the fly makes the unit especially well-suited for difficult-to-analyze samples. The user interface is intuitive, making operating the unit simple and easy. Overall, Velos Pro is a robust and highly advanced DFMS. Its high resolving power, rapid data acquisition speed and low background noise make it an excellent choice for comprehensive molecular characterization of large molecules. The automated background subtraction algorithm ensures accuracy and precision while the intuitive user interface ensures ease of operation.
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