Used WATERS Alliance e2695 #9277649 for sale

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Alliance e2695
ID: 9277649
Vintage: 2013
HPLC System 2998 PDA 2013 vintage.
WATERS Alliance e2695 is a high performance gas chromatography spectrometer designed for superior performance and versatility in both gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC-MS) applications. This workhorse instrument is used to analyze a range of compounds, including environmental toxins, natural products, pharmaceuticals, and industrial chemicals. Alliance e2695 consists of a vaporizing injector, injector interface, ion source, ion optics module, ion trap, vacuum manifold, electronics box and detector. The vaporizing injector is used to introduce sample solutions into the system while preventing charring and contamination of the sample. The injector interface controls the injection into the transfer line by controlling the timing and thermal characteristics of the sample feed system. The ion source is the primary component of the mass spectrometer, converting gas-phase molecules into ions for analysis. The ion optics module is used to control the movement of ions throughout the mass spectrometer, directing the ions to the appropriate points for the desired analysis. The ion trap is a small container embedded with electrodes which traps and stores ions ready to be sampled and transferred to the detector. The vacuum manifold facilitates the flow of gaseous ions and neutral molecules within the vacuum system. The electronics box contains a range of circuit boards, power supplies and software used to operate the instrument. Finally, the detector is used to convert the ionized molecules into an electrical signal. WATERS Alliance e2695 is a powerful tool, capable of performing a variety of separations and analyzes, including MS/MS (tandem MS) and post-column ionization. In MS/MS mode, the instrument can be used to detect and quantify trace compounds accurately and reproducibly. The instrument also comes with an intuitive user interface and a range of data acquisition and manipulation software that provides results quickly and efficiently. Overall, Alliance e2695 is a reliable and powerful mass spectrometer that can be used in a variety of GC-MS applications. Its superior performance, versatility and ease of use make it an ideal choice for labs looking for a reliable GC-MS instrument.
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