Used PERKIN ELMER Clarus 500 #9412426 for sale

ID: 9412426
Gas Chromatograph (GC) With FID Detector Split / Splitless dispenser Sample feeder Column Computer.
PERKIN ELMER Clarus 500 spectrophotometer is an advanced, state-of-the-art analytical instrument designed to detect the presence, concentration and composition of components within a sample by collecting spectroscopy data. Spectroscopy is the study of how matter interacts with electromagnetic radiation, typically, in the form of light and how the resulting response can be used for analysis. Clarus 500 is an advanced spectrophotometer, capable of providing very accurate and reliable results. PERKIN ELMER Clarus 500 features a powerful and flexible platform with unprecedented performance capabilities and a host of unique features. It has a fraction of the warm-up time of other similar instruments, while requiring no calibration, reducing maintenance and calibration costs associated with similar systems. It is also very user-friendly, with intuitive software and a wide range of applications. The instrument is designed to provide a wide range of UV-VIS and MIR spectra, making it suitable for a variety of applications. Clarus 500 is capable of measuring both intensity and wavelength of sample spectra across a wide range of wavelengths. It is capable of acquiring full-spectrum data in the ultraviolet (UV), visible (VIS) and mid-infrared (MIR) wavelength bands, making it ideal for a variety of applications, such as identifying the content of unknown samples. PERKIN ELMER Clarus 500 allows the user to control the spectrometer settings, such as slit width and resolution, to ensure optimal performance is achieved for different sample types and requirements. Clarus 500 also offers advanced features, such as a choice of sensors with different precision, dynamic range and detection limits. It also features a unique, high-precision light source, which combines light from multiple spectral sources for consistently consistent measurements across a wide range of wavelengths. Additionally, PERKIN ELMER Clarus 500 offers advanced software options for data analysis, library storage and visualization, as well as reporting capabilities. Clarus 500 is designed with robust construction and high-quality components, providing a reliable and dependable performance. When taken as a whole, PERKIN ELMER Clarus 500 is one of the most advanced and capable spectrophotometers on the market, capable of providing accurate and reliable data.
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