Used PERKIN ELMER Lambda 1050 #293644521 for sale

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PERKIN ELMER Lambda 1050
ID: 293644521
UV / VIS / NIR Spectrophotometer.
PERKIN ELMER Lambda 1050 spectrophotometer is a high-performance scientific instrument designed for intuitive, accurate, and reliable data acquisition. The instrument features a Variable Bandwidth Grating and Dual Path Compensator to enable superior wavelength accuracy and sensitivity and a direct-read Cuvette Beam Restriction System to minimize cuvette misalignment. Additionally, Lambda 1050 is equipped with a UV/VIS Source, Autoscale Feature, Fully Automated Scanning but can also be operated manually for more intricate experiments. The instrument also has two built in channels for simultaneous acquisition of two wavelengths or dual wavelength measurements to improve the accuracy of quantitative results. PERKIN ELMER Lambda 1050 also includes several other features such as a high-speed D/A converter, electronic shutter, and external triggering/detection capabilities. Additionally, the spectrophotometer is compatible with a wide variety of different accessories and software such as the optional micro cavity array and the Spectrum 2000 software package. Moreover, Lambda 1050 is designed with a user-friendly interface and can be easily connected to computers and other scientific equipment. Overall, PERKIN ELMER Lambda 1050 is a versatile and powerful spectrophotometer specifically designed for research and academic use. With its precision, advanced features, and robust design, Lambda 1050 is well suited for a wide variety of different applications including DNA/RNA quantitation, protein quantitation, and enzyme assays. The instrument also offers an ideal combination of performance and accuracy, which make it a reliable choice for any research or academic lab.
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