Used PERKIN ELMER Lambda 850 #9353271 for sale

ID: 9353271
UV / VIS Spectrophotometer.
PERKIN ELMER Lambda 850 is an extremely versatile and powerful spectrophotometer designed for a variety of applications requiring detailed analysis. It is capable of performing a range of analysis, from basic to advanced, in an easy to use setup. Lambda 850 uses a double beam design with continuous flow cell allowing for maximum sample flexibility and extended dynamic range. The spectrophotometer is easily configurable, with an adjustable wavelength range from 190 to 1100nm, an adjustable bandwidth, adjustable resolution and an adjustable IR light source. Its linearity and long-term stability make it a reliable choice among spectrophotometers. PERKIN ELMER Lambda 850 makes use of two optical beams: sample beam and reference beam. Samples can be placed directly onto the flow cell, allowing for absorption measurements. The sample beam passes through the flow cell and the reference beam does not. As the sample passes through the flow cell, a difference in absorbance is measured and calculated. This absorbance measurement is then compared to the reference beam, allowing for the analysis of the sample. Lambda 850 is a truly multifunctional spectrophotometer. It is capable of measuring optical activity, fluorescence, absorbance, fluorescence and CD measurements. In addition to basic measurements, the spectrophotometer incorporate a wide range of advanced features such as kinetic analysis, peak deconvolution, multiple-beam intensity measurements, and wavelength scanning. Aside from its top-notch technology, PERKIN ELMER Lambda 850 is also highly user-friendly. Its intuitive interface and easy setup make it simple for any user to operate the device. Its specific user-selected start-up page displays all of the specific information and options the user needs for their current experiment and eliminates any tedious searching of menus. Additionally, the spectrophotometer comes with specialized add-on pieces and laboratory automation capabilities for further analysis. All in all, Lambda 850 is a reliable and powerful spectrophotometer capable of meeting the exact needs of any research laboratory. Its advanced features coupled with its ease of use make it one of the best spectrophotometers on the market.
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