Used PERKIN ELMER Lambda 900 #9166174 for sale
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PERKIN ELMER Lambda 900 is a versatile double beam spectrophotometer designed for highest accuracy and stability in various analytical applications. Its patented Double Beam technology enables rapid and precise measurements with outstanding precision of +/- 0.005 AU. The spectrophotometer offers a wide range of wavelengths from 190 to 1100nm, making it suitable for a variety of applications, including DNA/Protein analysis, UV/Vis Spectrophotometry, Immunoassay, and Thin Layer Chromatography. The spectrophotometer features a replaceable detachable quartz cuvette equipped with one pair of 10mm beam splitters for superior accuracy and repeatability. The instrument also comes with automatic wavelength calibration and variable slit widths (1 nm to 10 nm) for additional accuracy. Lambda 900 is equipped with an Extremely Low Leakage Diode Array Detector (ELDA) that offers superior resolution and improved spectral absorption measurements for accurate results. The spectrophotometer also comes with a 12-position sample holder and a built-in sample changer for rapid, reproducible results. Additionally, the spectrophotometer is designed with a robust rotary diffraction grating for a wide range of applications, including DNA/Protein analysis and Immunoassay. PERKIN ELMER Lambda 900 is powered by a state-of-the-art microprocessor-controlled software and a graphical user interface that provides ease of use and powerful analysis features, including multi-wavelength scans, absorbance and transmittance measurements, quantitative and kinetic measurements, and flexible reporting features. The instrument has six dedicated entrances for the operation of sample changer racks, external keyboards and external temperature probes. Furthermore, the spectrophotometer is designed with scan, stop, pause and restart functions that help streamline data acquisition of multiple wavelength scans. Overall, Lambda 900 provides unmatched accuracy and performance and is simply the best option for various analytical and research applications. With an exceptional combination of functionality and cutting-edge design, the spectrophotometer is an ideal choice for those who demand the highest performance for their analytical measurements.
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