Used PERKIN ELMER Spectrum One #9412620 for sale

ID: 9412620
FTIR Spectrometer.
PERKIN ELMER Spectrum One is a spectrophotometer that is used to measure the radiation of an object by passing an energy source, such as ultraviolet, visible, or infrared light, through a sample and detecting the amount of light that is transmitted or reflected. The instrument is capable of performing multiple applications including absorption, transmission, fluorescence and reflectance measurements, allowing for a wide range of data collection options and sample testing. The instrument utilizes a vertical light path which eliminates the need for an additional optical bench for sample alignment and eliminates sample preparation time and the need for sample movement. Furthermore, Spectrum One has an integrated photomultiplier, allowing for the detection of a broad spectrum range. This allows the instrument to detect wavelengths from the ultraviolet to the near infrared range, making it ideal for a variety of sample analysis applications. The instrument has single and double beam option which allows for measuring both low and high concentration samples accurately. The wavelength range that can be detected is from 190nm in the the UV range to 3600 nm in the IR range. Samples can be scanned or multiple wavelengths can be monitored simultaneously. Scanning speeds range from 2 - 200 nm/min, and the wavelength accuracy is 0.1nm. PERKIN ELMER Spectrum One can perform multiple spectrophotometer methods including transmission, reflection, polarization, fluorescence and absorbance. The optical system also includes a wide variety of accessories for specific applications. A sample compartment can be added for liquid samples, and gas cells with varying path lengths and special dipping cell holders have also been designed for the instrument. The instrument has a number of automated functions which makes it ideal for a research laboratory environment. These features make it possible to collect large amounts of data quickly, allowing for accurate and reproducible measurements. Additionally, data can be stored and analyzed on a PC. In conclusion, Spectrum One is an advanced spectrophotometer that provides a wide spectral range, sample versatility and automated functions, making it an ideal solution for a variety of applications in research laboratories.
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