Used PERKIN ELMER UV 2000 #109824 for sale

ID: 109824
UV detectors Series 200 pump HPLC methods programmed Manual injector.
PERKIN ELMER UV 2000 is a double-beam spectrophotometer used for absorbance and/or transmittance measurements in a wide range of scientific applications. It features a high quality optical system and uses a triple monochromator where two of its gratings are interchangeable in order to vary the wavelength range (UV to NIR). The stabilizing heating optics ensures that the lamp and detector remain at a constant temperature. This helps with maintaining the accuracy and reproducibility of low level measurements. The unit is equipped with an intelligent software that makes operation easy and intuitive. It not only offers a highly customizable graphical user interface, but also a built-in BenchTop manager that controls a wide range of measurements such as scans, time scans, and kinetics. The software can also be connected to various external devices, such as a 6-channel recorder or an integrated PC, to further increase versatility. The system includes a choice of photomultiplier tube (PMT) detectors which provide high sensitivity, excellent linearity and low noise. These detectors operate at both high and low wavelengths for excellent performance. The photomultiplier tube's dynamic range, excellent linearity and low noise excess allow for the most accurate results. UV 2000 offers a wide range of accessories, such as taking cells, UV-Visible blanks, and special cuvettes, to meet a number of requirements. These accessories assist in measuring samples in a variety of ways, allowing for the most complete results and the most efficient measurements. The unit is also designed to generate highly consistent and repeatable results over time. The spectrophotometer offers high speed measurement with 0.2 nm and 0.5 nm increments in the UV and Visible ranges and may have up to 256 data points per scan in a single pass. The unit has a repeatability of up to 0.0005 Au, and a stray light of less than 0.5% T. PERKIN ELMER UV 2000 provides a high quality and versatile spectrophotometer ideal for a variety of scientific applications. It is user friendly, offers an intuitive software, and features both low and high indications. Its accessories and features make UV 2000 an ideal choice for researchers who require precise and accurate measurements.
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