Used TIGER OPTICS Equipment for sale

Tiger Optics is a leading manufacturer that specializes in the production of high-precision scientific instruments, specifically focusing on advanced gas analyzers. With a vision to provide cutting-edge technology for gas analysis, Tiger Optics offers an extensive range of products, unrivaled in both precision and accuracy. One of their primary product lines is residual gas analyzers, which are widely used in various industrial sectors. These analyzers are designed to detect and measure ultra-low levels of gas impurities in vacuum systems, ensuring that strict quality standards are met. The advanced technology incorporated in Tiger Optics analyzers guarantees the ability to detect trace gas impurities down to parts-per-billion levels, assuring maximum reliability in a myriad of applications. Another top-tier product offered by Tiger Optics is the LaserTrace, a revolutionary analyzer specifically designed for moisture analysis. Using industry-first Continuous Wave Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy technology, the LaserTrace can accurately measure water content in various environments, delivering fast and precise results like never before. This analyzer has made significant strides in industries such as semiconductor manufacturing, power generation, and pharmaceuticals, where moisture control is of utmost importance. Tiger Optics' flagship products don't stop at residual gas and moisture analyzers alone. Their instrument portfolio also includes gas-phase optical trace gas analyzers, which are widely utilized in areas such as specialty and industrial gases analysis, environmental monitoring, and even breath gas analysis. With a relentless commitment to technological innovation and quality, Tiger Optics continues to raise the bar in gas analysis. Customer satisfaction remains at the core of their mission, fueling their dedication towards developing next-generation instruments that address the ever-changing needs of industries globally.

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