Used BRUKER-AXS AXS D8 Discover #293642145 for sale

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AXS D8 Discover
ID: 293642145
Vintage: 2008
X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) system 2008 vintage.
BRUKER-AXS AXS D8 Discover is a state-of-the-art x-ray diffractometer used for advanced materials research. It uses x-ray diffraction technology for determining the structure of crystalline materials. This equipment is designed for high-resolution research on crystalline materials and is equipped with a cavity-backed oscillator which uses relatively low energy levels to acquire data in a short period of time, significantly improving the resolution of the diffraction pattern. BRUKER-AXS D8 DISCOVER is capable of measuring a wide variety of materials including metals, alloys, ceramics, polymers, and pharmaceuticals. It is also capable of a wide range of sample sizes and shapes, including thin films and powders. The system has a maximum scan speed of 3000°/min, which allows it to acquire a complete data set in a few seconds, which is critical for high data fidelity. Additionally, the unit's high-rate, high-dynamic-range imaging detector machine allows for the simultaneous acquisition of data over all sample orientations, and its easy-to-use graphical user interface allows users to quickly and easily set up the tool to match their research needs. AXS D 8 DISCOVER also features an active alignment asset, which adapts to different sample holders, allowing for movement in three axes to ensure optimal sample positioning. Additionally, the model has a wide range of accessories, including sample holders, temperature control systems, and data analysis software, which allow users to obtain detailed results. Additionally, D8 DISCOVER provides unparalleled beam resolution, enabling the user to collect high-quality data. Overall, AXS D8 Discover is an advanced x-ray diffractometer designed for superior performance in materials research. Its fast data acquisition speeds, high resolution imaging detector equipment, active alignment system, and wide range of accessories make it an ideal tool for determining the structure of crystalline materials.
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