Used BRUKER-AXS AXS D8 Discover #9155480 for sale

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AXS D8 Discover
ID: 9155480
X-Ray powder diffractometer Theta-2theta goniometer type 1 enclosure Scintillation counter detector Electronics solex detector Single stationary sample holder Rotating sample stage (9) Position sample changing tray XRD Commander software version 2.6 Data analyzed: EVAL 15.0 One software dongle All DVD's and manuals.
BRUKER-AXS AXS D8 Discover is an X-ray system used to perform diffraction, imaging and surface analysis for a range of scientific applications. It is part of the prestigious, high-end D8 family of X-ray systems from BRUKER-AXS and has been designed to deliver exceptional performance in X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence analysis, imaging, and thin film analysis. BRUKER-AXS D8 DISCOVER features a large, robust goniometer with a movable 2D detector plate that offers high accuracy and resolution in measurement. It is equipped with an automated multiplexer that allows quick and easy loading of samples and allows for multiple measurements simultaneously. AXS D 8 DISCOVER is powered by a 1.3 kW microfocus X-ray tube, a 5000 watt generator, and a high-precision diffractometer to provide excellent precision and accuracy in X-ray measurement. It has a wide range of operating settings for both powders and single-crystal samples, allowing for rapid data collection and efficient productivity. In addition, BRUKER-AXS AXS D 8 DISCOVER has a unique camera feature that covers a wide area of the sample holder. This enables a wide variety of diffraction imaging, film thickness measurements, and surface analysis. It also integrates several software programs that can be used to control the system and analyze collected data. D8 DISCOVER is designed to fit any laboratory space with its compact design and small footprint. AXS D8 Discover is equipped with a wide range of laboratory safety features, including an emergency stop button and a safety curtain. It is also designed for minimal waste, with a low maintenance and minimal energy consumption required for operation. Overall, BRUKER-AXS AXS D8 Discover is a powerful tool for scientists and researchers looking to analyze and visualize various properties of materials. Its high accuracy, high precision, and user-friendly design make it an ideal solution for a wide range of applications.
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