Used BRUKER-AXS AXS D8 Discover #9186409 for sale

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AXS D8 Discover
ID: 9186409
X-Ray diffractometer.
BRUKER-AXS AXS D8 Discover is an advanced X-ray diffractometer equipment designed to provide users with high-resolution and high-accuracy crystallographic data. The system includes a Weissenberg camera, an innovative BRUKER-AXS Optics unit, an X-ray tube, and a fully automated, user-friendly software package. The entire machine is driven by the Bruker D8 X-ray control and acquisition computer, which automates data collection and makes the instrument easy to use, even for first time users. The Weissenberg camera incorporated in the tool provides a high-resolution view of the sample, allowing anyone to visualize the microstructures of samples, and also allowing for accurate and reliable data collection. The camera is equipped with a digital video camera that records information with extremely high precision. BRUKER-AXS Optics asset is designed to provide users with a variety of options to optimize and adjust the wavelength, polarization, and intensity of the X-ray beam applied to the sample, for accurate and reliable results. The X-ray tube is designed to provide bright and powerful X-ray emission for long-term, fast, and wide-range X-ray data collection. The software package accompanying the model provides users with a fast and easy way to analyze collected data. The program allows users to manually adjust and optimize data collection parameters while also providing several automated functions, including the optimization of the wavelength, polarization, and intensity of the X-ray beam to get precise data. Data collected can easily be exported in a variety of formats to suit users' needs. In conclusion, BRUKER-AXS D8 DISCOVER is a powerful X-ray diffractometric equipment designed to provide users with reliable, high-precision, and high-resolution crystallographic data. The system is high-tech and very user friendly, offering a variety of options to optimize the X-ray beam, and easy-to-use software for quickly analyzing data.
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