Used BRUKER-AXS AXS D8 Discover #9209687 for sale

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AXS D8 Discover
ID: 9209687
X-Ray diffractometer With Hi-Star GADDS XRD detector.
BRUKER-AXS AXS D8 Discover is a powerful X-ray diffraction equipment, designed to allow scientists to study the structures and properties of materials and provide them with extremely powerful data. BRUKER-AXS D8 DISCOVER system works by taking an X-ray beam and diffracting it onto a sample to generate diffraction spots, which are then inform the scientist about the sample's crystalline structure and composition. The unit includes two high-intensity X-ray sources, an area detector with a two-dimensional array of detector elements, and a generator supplied for automated detector movement and sample rocking. AXS D 8 DISCOVER machine is designed to allow scientists to study a wide variety of materials, from crystals and minerals to proteins, alloys and polymers. This ensures a greater level of accuracy when studying the structural and physical properties of the materials. The tool's wide sample space allows for specimen sizes of up to 200 mm in diameter, while the X-ray source can generate continuous X-ray beams over a broad range of measurement times. The asset's two X-ray sources are a Ge-110/2 (55 kV) and a Ge-220/2 (111 kV) source, which enables data collection with both low- and high-energy X-ray diffraction. The Ge-110 X-ray source allows for diffraction analysis of organic materials, while the Ge-220/2 X-ray source offers a higher resolution for crystallographic studies. The model is also equipped with a tracking generator that moves the detector in three axes and a sample rocker for collecting datasets in various angles to cover the entire sample space. Finally, BRUKER-AXS AXS D 8 DISCOVER includes a range of software options, allowing scientists to analyse and interpret their data. The Bruker AXS TOF-SIMS software package provides a range of features to help scientists interpret their data, including time-of-flight spectroscopy, energy-mapping spectrum imaging, and residue mapping. In addition, the equipment includes several advanced instrument control and optimization tools to ensure precise data collection.
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