Used BRUKER-AXS AXS D8 Discover #9226749 for sale

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AXS D8 Discover
ID: 9226749
X-Ray diffractometer.
BRUKER-AXS AXS D8 Discover is a state-of-the-art X-ray instrument with an easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) designed for material characterization applications. It consists of a high-end X-ray source with a maximum resolution of 0.1 nm, a goniometer-mounted sample stage, a detector, and a high-performance data acquisition equipment. This X-ray system is versatile and capable of performing both qualitative and quantitative analysis in a wide variety of disciplines, including materials sciences, physics, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, and bio-sciences. BRUKER-AXS D8 DISCOVER is a multi-mode X-ray unit that supports a variety of techniques, including diffraction experiments, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF), X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD), X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), and X-ray reflectivity (XRR). This instrument provides an energy range of 0.1 to 75 keV, which offers flexibility for using a wide range of X-ray experiments. BRUKER-AXS AXS D8 also comes with an intuitive software package, which allows easy analysis of the data acquired from the machine. This X-ray tool is extremely efficient and provides high-quality data. It can detect and analyze complex samples and offers high-resolution data in a range of applications, from nanomaterials to pharmaceuticals. The sample stages can be trusted for accuracy and precision due to the use of intelligent step-motor drive and closed-loop encoders for positioning. The frame rate for the D8 is also up to eight frames per second for faster data acquisition. Two types of detectors are available for this asset, depending on the application. The solid-state detector is suitable for fast data acquisition, while the gas-filled ionization chambers can detect charged particles, providing a higher signal-to-noise ratio. The detectors have a high dynamic range and can be used for both high-resolution and wide-angle methods. BRUKER-AXS AXS D8 is an ideal model for precision tooling, research, and industrial applications. It is designed to maximize sample throughput while minimizing measurement time and cost. Its easy-to-use software package makes data analysis simple. This X-ray equipment is capable of quickly and accurately obtaining a wide range of X-ray information, making it a perfect choice for variety of applications.
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