Used BRUKER S1 Titan #9245678 for sale

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S1 Titan
ID: 9245678
Vintage: 2012
X-Ray fluorescence spectrometer SMX 796 Handheld device Measuring time: 2-20 sec Battery life: 8-9 h I-SDD Silicon drift detector 2012 vintage.
BRUKER S1 Titan is a high performance x-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XRF) equipment that provides accurate, precise and reliable elemental analyses of samples. The system is based on the principle of x-ray fluorescence and uses a focused x-ray beam to excite electrons within the sample. When these electrons return to their ground state, analyte specific x-ray lines are generated. These lines are then detected and analyzed to identify the elements present in the sample. S1 Titan features a series of high-end components including a dual X-ray tube, lamp reflectors, imaging optics, and an active sample holder. The dual X-ray tube creates a tightly focused beam of x-rays that can be optimized for higher XRF performance while providing greatflexibility and detection efficiency. The optics and sample holder further enhance XRF performance by improving focusing and sample positioning. This combination of features ensures accurate, repeatable and reliable elemental analysis. BRUKER S1 Titan also includes a range of advanced detection technologies for maximum accuracy and performance. The unit is equipped with an array of silicon drift detectors (SDDs) and gas-flow proportional counters (GPCs) to maximize detection and resolution. These detectors use patented, 100k channel electronics to deliver excellent detection sensitivity, even for trace elements. In addition, the SDDs offer state of the art noise reduction capabilities to ensure accurate measurement of high Z elements. S1 Titan also includes a powerful, user-friendly software suite for maximum convenience and flexibility. The software allows users to easily save, retrieve, process and analyze elemental data. The software also features a library of built-in, customizable analytical applications, and a library of pre-defined calibrations. This makes it easy to set up and maintain routines for elemental analysis. In summary, BRUKER S1 Titan is an advanced XRF spectrometer machine that offers outstanding performance and flexibility. The tool features dual X-ray tubes, powerful optics, advanced detection technologies, and user-friendly software. The combination of these features makes S1 Titan an ideal solution for efficient, accurate and reliable elemental analysis.
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