Used FAXITRON CS-100 #9110656 for sale
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ID: 9110656
Vintage: 2000
X-ray imaging system
4/2" II Detector with zoom
Magnification: 175X
X-ray tube: 90 kV, 5 micron
Variable detector motion
Motorized X, Y, Z, rotation controls
Joystick controlled table tray motion
Maximum inspectable area 18" x 24"
Dell computer Windows 7 desktop, 19" monitor, VIP II X-Ray software
Safety switches
Network ready
Multiple USB ports
100-120 VAC, 20 Amp, 60 Hz
2000 vintage.
FAXITRON CS-100 is a fully automated x-ray equipment that can be used for medical and industrial applications. The system has a high resolution and a wide dynamic range, providing detailed images of a variety of objects. It is easy to operate, and is designed to be user-friendly and efficient. CS-100 is composed of multiple components, including a control console, a generator, and a high voltage source. The control console features a user-friendly touchscreen interface, allowing operators to initiate scans, adjust settings, and display images quickly and easily. The generator produces x-ray energy and is adjustable in both voltage and current. The high voltage source is a DC power source which provides the necessary power for the x-rays to penetrate objects. FAXITRON CS-100 is capable of producing both digital and analog x-ray images. Digital images are generated using a flat-panel detector with a digital signal processor. An image can be viewed in real-time without the need for additional processing. Analog images are generated using traditional film-based linear scanning technology. The unit also features an intelligent image processing module which can automatically detect irregularities in images and offer suggested corrections. The machine is designed for use in many clinical and industrial settings, such as orthopedics, dermatology, cardiology, dentistry, and other specialized areas. It is also designed to be safe and reliable, featuring built-in safeguards to protect personnel and patients, such as a protective shield, automatic power-down feature, and radiation monitors. CS-100 is an advanced and reliable x-ray tool, capable of producing high-quality images quickly and efficiently. This asset is a great choice for healthcare professionals and industrial users who need a reliable x-ray model for their imaging needs. It is easy to operate and includes a variety of features and safety measures to ensure the safety and accuracy of all images.
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