Used GE HEALTHCARE Lightspeed Plus 4 #9234215 for sale

GE HEALTHCARE Lightspeed Plus 4
ID: 9234215
Vintage: 2005
CT Scanner Performix 6.3MHU tube, 60M mAs H2 Gantry 360° scans (0.5 Seconds) Xtream console with HP computer Generator: 53.2 kW 2005 vintage.
GE HEALTHCARE Lightspeed Plus 4 is a cutting-edge x-ray equipment that facilitates high-accuracy imaging while taking up to 40 percent less time than comparable systems. This equipment advances the capacity to acquire advanced images of the body quickly and accurately for superior diagnosis and patient satisfaction. Lightspeed Plus 4 offers a comprehensive suite of imaging techniques, including Computer Tomography (CT), Cineradiography (Cine), and Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA). These technologies enable perform high-resolution imaging of bones, vasculature systems and soft tissues. The incorporation of innovative detector technology, combined with a revolutionary imaging platform, is designed to improve imaging results while reducing radiation exposure during scans. GE HEALTHCARE Lightspeed Plus 4 is designed with portability in mind. Its small footprint requires minimal installation space and the unit maintains a quiet level of operation, making it ideal for clinics with restricted space or limited soundproofing. This device is also compatible with additional medical equipment, such as patient beds, to ensure patient comfort and safety while undergoing imaging. Lightspeed Plus 4 is also equipped with sophisticated post-processing functions to generate quality images. These functions include high-definition filtering, digital equalization and contrast enhancement. This system also incorporates advanced motion and motion correction techniques to cancel out any movement artifacts in reconstructed images, ensuring precise results. GE HEALTHCARE Lightspeed Plus 4 also includes a wide range of other features, such as practice management software, to automate patient data and workflow management. The unit is also compatible with DVD-recording hardware, low-cost digital solutions, and advanced printers, such as the Drupa 5200 CD/DVD printer. Finally, this machine is designed to reduce the financial burden on healthcare providers, as the initial purchase price is relatively low and annual maintenance costs are also low, ensuring long-term operational efficiency and cost savings. Overall, Lightspeed Plus 4 is an incredibly powerful x-ray tool that is designed to provide superior imaging results while minimising radiation exposure and cost. This asset is ideal for medical facilities that seek to provide the best possible diagnosis in the shortest possible time.
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