Used OMEGA TXRF #293629156 for sale

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ID: 293629156
Vintage: 2004
X-Ray fluorescence spectrometer 2004 vintage.
OMEGA TXRF (Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence) is a type of analytical technique that employs total external reflection of an X-ray beam in order to obtain information about the elemental and/or molecular composition of a sample surface. Its main advantage over conventional X-ray fluorescence techniques is that the sample preparation is much simpler, as there is no need to grind the sample. Instead, an X-ray beam is focused onto the sample surface, which is then totally reflected from the surface and passes through a detector located as close as possible to the sample surface. By measuring the energy of the total reflection X-rays and applying light element detection, it is possible to reconstruct the concentration and elemental compositions of materials on the sample surface. TXRF has many applications in fields such as archeometallurgy, chemical and food analysis, industrial metallography, environmental analysis and medical research. The technology behind OMEGA TXRF consists of an X-ray source and a X-ray detector. The X-ray source used in TXRF is usually either a sealed tube, or a rotating anode. They emit X-rays at different energies, which allow the user to select a specific element or type of material to analyze. The X-ray detector processes the X-rays entering through the total reflection and produces a graph known as an energy spectrum. This energy spectrum, along with the elemental composition of the sample, is used to interpret the information contained in the reflection radiation. The level of sensitivity of OMEGA TXRF system is increased by a process called background subtraction. This is done by projecting a reference sample onto the sample surface and measuring the energy spectrum of the reflected X-rays that pass through the reference material. Then, these energy spectrum numbers are subtracted from the energy spectrum of the sample surface, resulting in an enhanced interpretation of the surface composition. This is useful for identifying trace elements and concentrations in a sample. TXRF offers environmental help by providing relatively fast results, exact quantification and compatibility with many types of samples. It is also a fast and accurate tool when used to identify pollutants or contaminants in soil or water samples. Overall, OMEGA TXRF is a powerful, fast and accurate analytical technique that is used to determine the elemental or molecular composition of a sample surface. This technique has a wide range of applications and is used in research, industry and environmental analysis.
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