Used PANALYTICAL Xpert Pro MPD #9160528 for sale
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ID: 9160528
Vintage: 2008
X-Ray diffraction system
ANTON PAAR TCU 200 temperature control unit
HYFRA Chilly 35 AC chiller
Dell computer controls
2008 vintage.
PANALYTICAL Xpert Pro MPD is a state-of-the-art X-ray equipment based on the principles of transmission X-ray Fluorescence (TXRF). The system centers around a 5-axis manipulator stage, which allows for precise positioning of the sample holder. A 50kV high-voltage X-ray source paired with an X-ray detector is also housed within the instrument to provide accurate detection of the emitted X-ray radiation. Xpert Pro MPD is well equipped with the latest software and hardware enabling full automation of sample analysis. The unit is able to determine elemental concentrations in a range of sample types, including powders, granules, liquids, and thin films. Through the use of the software, users can easily configure the machine to analyze their samples using any combination of available methods, such as wavelength dispersive and energy dispersive XRF spectroscopy. The X-ray source is equipped with an extremely high flux and an adjustable spot size, allowing for precise analyses of very small amounts of material. Additionally, the tool is constructed of ultra-stable components providing precise and consistent results over long periods of time. PANALYTICAL Xpert Pro MPD also boasts a range of useful accessories, including a high-reflection sample chamber mirror, a motorized sample chamber window, and an automated sample cleaning asset. The mirror allows for improved light efficiency by reflecting the X-ray beam back towards the sample. The window allows for manual or automatic changing of the sample. The automated cleaning model helps to eliminate potential sources of sample contamination prior to analysis. In addition to its physical features, Xpert Pro MPD is loaded with a range of powerful software tools. The instrument is equipped to easily export data to computers in a range of formats and also offers a variety of user-friendly report options. Additionally, users have access to a detailed library of peak overlays, enabling easy comparison of their sample's spectra. Overall, PANALYTICAL Xpert Pro MPD is an excellent X-ray analysis equipment. Comprising of high-quality components and an array of features, the system allows users to run accurate and reliable sample analyses quickly and easily.
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