Used PHYSICAL ELECTRONICS / PHI 5600 XPS #9035452 for sale

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ID: 9035452
X-ray photoelectron spectrometer OmniFocus III small area lens Multi channel detector 10-360 spherical capacitor analyzer XPS sensitivity: Magnesium anode specified performance obtained with single Mg anode operating at 400 W (26.7 mA and 15 kV) on a sample of clean silver Analysis area: Selected by an externally fixed 1-position aperture and by a computer-controlled analyzer (150 um analysis area) Count rates less than standard system due to non-standard geometry Environmental requirements: Magnetic fields: less than 0.3 uT (3 mG) peak-to-peak, alternating field, less than 1G static field Relative humidity: less than 70% Temperature: 20°C ± 5°C Heat dissipation: 3,000 W under typical operating conditions, 10,000 W additional during system breakout Vibration: not to exceed 10 um at 0.1-60 Hz Utility requirements: 200-240 VAC, 1 phase, 50-60 Hz, 50 A (to be hardwired to separate 60 A branch circuit by customer) Dry nitrogen: 0.279 kg/cm^2 (4 psi) max Compressed air: 5.6 to 7.0 kg/cm^2 at 0.17 m^3/hr (80 to 100 psig at 0.1 CFM), pressure-regulated for vibration-isolated console and automatic valve control options only Manuals and video tape instructions.
PHYSICAL ELECTRONICS / PHI 5600 XPS is an X-ray equipment manufactured by PHI that meets the needs of advanced X-ray users. This versatile, high-performance system utilizes advanced X-ray imaging technologies to provide user-friendly operation and superior performance. PHI 5600 XPS features a modern, ergonomic design. Its optics can be rapidly adjusted to meet the needs of different applications. The X-ray source makes use of an electron target to create a powerful X-ray beam, which can be utilized to create both images and spectra. This unit includes an advanced vacuum machine capable of producing ultra-high vacuum conditions for the X-ray source. PHYSICAL ELECTRONICS 5600 XPS also includes a linear time-of-flight (TOF) detector. This detector is capable of producing high dynamic range data that can be utilized for image formation. Additionally, 5600 XPS features a versatile end station, which can be used for sample transfer, manipulation, and testing. PHYSICAL ELECTRONICS / PHI 5600 XPS incorporates powerful software that is tailored to the needs of advanced X-ray users. This software streamlines the acquisition and analysis of data while providing user-friendly tools for monitoring tool performance. It also allows the user to configure the asset to match their specific needs. PHI 5600 XPS is a powerful, versatile X-ray model that is ideal for advanced users. It features a modern design, and allows the user to quickly and easily acquire high-quality data. Its powerful vacuum equipment and TOF detector ensure that the data produced is of the highest quality. PHYSICAL ELECTRONICS 5600 XPS is an excellent choice for any advanced X-ray user.
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