Used RIGAKU S-MAX 3000 #293628175 for sale

S-MAX 3000
ID: 293628175
Small Angle X-Ray Scattering system (SAXS) Wide Angle X-Ray Scattering (WAXS) (3) Pinhole SAXS Systems With MM002 D-spacing range: 10 to 100 nm Microfocused: 20 x 20 microns CuKa X-Ray Source to detector distance of 3000 mm allows detect dmax of 910 A Two dimensional multiwire X-Ray area detector with 120 mm diameter area Power supply: 45 kV, 0.88 m Amp.
RIGAKU S-MAX 3000 is a multi-purpose X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) equipment. It is designed to analyze crystal structures, measure absolute unit cell parameters and detect impurities in different materials. It is capable of measuring X-ray diffraction (XRD) intensities from a wide variety of samples. The system incorporates the latest generation of high-performance hardware, including an X-ray source, a monochromated optics, and a high-resolution detector array. It is capable of simultaneous diffraction experiments involving multiple sample types and magnifications. S-MAX 3000 X-ray unit is powered by a reproducible 2x2.0 kW rotating anode X-ray generator design. The X-ray generator operates a high intensity polychromatic X-ray beam. The beam is collimated and monochromated and then directed to the sample by a set of several mirrors. The imaging detector is a high-resolution direct detection device equipped with a high-contrast line collimator. The design allows for the acquisition of precise sample intensity maps, with high visibility and detail over different areas. There is a specialized sample holder design featuring manual positioning of the sample in the diffractometer. RIGAKU S-MAX 3000 also offers a built-in sample driving machine for precise auto-centering of any sample and auto-stirring for improved structural measurements. The high-resolution CCD detector and a PMT (Photo multipliers tube) can be selected for data acquisition. The software platform of S-MAX 3000 is based on user-friendly graphical user interface, allowing full control over all the parameters of the tool and access to comprehensive data analysis tools. It includes options such as automatic peak identification, peak fitting, and solid sampling tools, making data analysis and interpretation easy and intuitive. The asset supports a wide variety of data formats and is capable of data replication to external storage or networks. In conclusion, RIGAKU S-MAX 3000 provides reliable and precise X-ray diffraction analysis, giving accurate information about the chemical and physical properties of materials. It offers a wide range of applications in industries such as semi-conductors, automotive, pharmaceuticals, energy materials and aerospace. It also offers efficient data acquisition and analysis tools, providing researchers with all the options needed to find the desired solution.
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