Used RIGAKU TTRAX III #293641515 for sale

ID: 293641515
X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD) / Diffraction system Running hours: 51,254 RIGAKU CU 4364F401 Cross-Beam Optics (CBO) OERLIKON / LEYBOLD TURBOVAC TW 70H Turbo pump HASKRIS WW3 Chiller ULVAC GLD-136 Vacuum pump.
RIGAKU TTRAX X-ray equipment is a powerful and versatile tool for X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis and imaging. It's an advanced system that combines numerous XRD functions in one unit, offering a variety of XRD methods: high-speed, high-efficiency and small-angle XRD experiments. In addition to advanced X-ray diffraction capabilities, the machine also includes a computer-controlled sample stage and motorized control tools. This tool is an excellent choice for researchers looking for a reliable, easy to use and efficient XRD asset for advanced XRD experiments. The model is designed for use in research and industrial laboratories, and is ideal for a wide range of XRD applications from basic research and quality control to process control and analysis. It is capable of performing tensile tests, phase analysis and lattice parameter measurement, as well as simultaneous XRD measurements of multiple samples. The equipment can also be used to study the 3D structure of a material and its physical properties, such as magnetism, stress and strain. The system is composed of an X-ray Source, an optical unit, a CCD detector, a sample stage and motorization and control. The X-ray Source is designed for optimized detection of X-rays and has a long operational life. The optical machine is designed to focus the X-rays onto the sample and control the polarization of the X-ray beam. The CCD detector is used to capture the XRD diffraction patterns from the samples, and the sample stage and motorization controls allow for precise positioning. TTRAX X-ray tool is designed for high-speed, high-efficiency and small-angle XRD experiments. The asset can operate in two-dimensional mode for high-speed low-angle XRD experiments and in three-dimensional mode for high-efficiency small-angle XRD experiments. The model's motorized sample stage and motorized controls make it easy to precisely position samples to the exact location needed for XRD experiments. RIGAKU TTRAX equipment includes various software packages to help researchers with their XRD experiments. These software tools offer tools to record and analyze XRD data, as well as to generate XRD-related images, charts and diagrams. The software also includes tools to compare XRD data from multiple samples and to compare results of various experiments. In conclusion, TTRAX X-ray system is an ideal choice for X-ray diffraction and imaging experiments. It offers a variety of XRD methods, and the software packaging, motorization and control makes it easy and efficient to operate. This unit is an excellent choice for anyone looking for an advanced and reliable XRD machine for advanced XRD experiments.
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