Used RIGAKU TXRF 3800E #293654137 for sale

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TXRF 3800E
ID: 293654137
Vintage: 2013
X-Ray system Sub system Dry pump Cooler Connecting hose Power box Silicon Drifted Detector (SDD) Manual 2013 vintage.
RIGAKU TXRF 3800E X-Ray equipment is an advanced elemental analysis system designed to provide precise, reliable, and repeatable analysis. This unit is capable of measuring elements at concentrations as low as 1ppm and as high as 100%. It is equipped with two X-Ray sources which are optimized for use with different samples and can be used to measure light and heavy elements with greater accuracy than other systems. TXRF 3800E is an excellent tool for elemental analyses such as those associated with environmental and industrial pollutants, medical and food contaminants, or precious and semiprecious materials. RIGAKU TXRF 3800E employs a Two-dimensional Multi-Source and Diffraction Analyzer (MSDA) machine to provide reliable and repeatable results with a high degree of accuracy. The tool includes a collimated X-Ray beam, a dual-turret monochromator, and a double dome diffraction optics unit that allows for optimal analysis. The MSDA asset allows for simultaneous analyses of two elements, greatly increasing the speed and accuracy of results. TXRF 3800E offers a wide range of analysis capabilities such as a full X-Ray diffraction (XRD) studies, trace element analysis, elemental concentrations measurements, and even more advanced capabilities including high temperature evaporation for microanalytical studies. With its multi-band pass filters, monochromator, and double dome diffraction optics, the model is also capable of performing element specific XRD studies and reflection mining studies. RIGAKU TXRF 3800E is an excellent choice for laboratories or research facilities that require a reliable and sophisticated X-Ray equipment. It is versatile and can be adapted to a variety of analytical requirements. It is also a cost-effective solution that offers a remarkable level of accuracy and repeatability. With its innovative design and high performance, TXRF 3800E is able to provide accurate and reliable test results in a variety of applications.
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