Used SCINTAG X2 #9217230 for sale
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ID: 9217230
X-Ray powder diffractometer
Theta-theta system
With CC slits & PELTIER detector
EDMUND BUHLER HDK 1.4 High temperature stage
34 Positions sample changer
Variety detector electronics
Microprocessor PC boards.
SCINTAG X2 is a state of the art X-ray equipment specifically designed for light industrial applications. It is a compact system that uses pulsed microbeam X-ray imaging to inspect a variety of materials and products. It allows for rapid examination of large or complex assemblies in a wide variety of geometries. X2 unit is highly sensitive and has image resolutions of up to 50 microns. It is able to detect very small structural defects and inconsistencies. It can also accurately locate and document the location of any structural flaws or defects. SCINTAG X2 machine is fully integrated with SCINTAG comprehensive software suite. This provides a range of imaging and analysis tools to help technicians and engineers with accurate inspection and analysis of components and products. The tool also features an intuitive, easy to use graphical user interface. This allows users to quickly and easily set up and configure the asset, load and save images and set up the measurements taken. X2 model has a number of features which make it an ideal choice for use in industrial and commercial applications. It is a portable unit which can be easily moved to any inspection location and quickly setup and configured. It is also protective- the X-ray beam has been shielded to prevent damage to inspectors and other personnel in the area. Finally, SCINTAG X2 equipment is fast and efficient due to its high speed imaging and analysis capabilities. It is also highly reliable, with minimal maintenance requirements. In conclusion, X2 system is an advanced X-ray imaging unit that provides high performance imaging and analysis tools for light industrial applications. It is the perfect choice for fast and accurate inspections in production and maintenance applications.
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