Used SIEMENS / BRUKER D5000 #293633040 for sale
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SIEMENS / BRUKER D5000 X-ray equipment is a multi-energy, 4-axis dual beam, X-ray Imaging system. It is designed to generate high-resolution images of material objects, as well as for measuring the mass and size of individual particles in an aerosol cloud. The main components of the X-ray unit include an X-ray emission machine which is an assemblage of four ports, which are responsible for beam simulation, reflection, transmission and absorption of X-rays. The X-ray reception tool features two spectral detectors, that of the photon energy and that of the X-ray flux. The X-ray flux detector allows for the determination of X-ray intensity over a wide range of energies. Furthermore, several intensifying devices may be installed in the asset, including an X-ray amplifier and an X-ray source changer. The amplifier increases the intensity of the X-ray beam while the changer allows for switching between different beams. Furthermore, BRUKER D5000 features a 4-axis analysis arm, that is capable of both oscillating and reciprocating movements, allowing for accurate assessment and analysis of particles in an aerosol cloud. The X-ray imaging model is controlled via a computer, allowing for data storage, analysis, and graph plotting. SIEMENS D5000 is also equipped with several components for X-ray exposure and monitoring, such as an automatic exposure setting equipment, as well as a X-ray rescale and exposure monitor. Overall, D5000 X-ray system is a versatile and reliable imaging apparatus, capable of performing image capture and analysis of objects in a number of different energy levels. Moreover, it has a simple user interface and is easily adjustable to different demands. This makes it an ideal and cost-effective instrument for various industrial, research and medical uses.
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