Used OXFORD Plasmalab 800 Plus #9358495 for sale

OXFORD Plasmalab 800 Plus
ID: 9358495
PECVD Systems.
OXFORD Plasmalab 800 Plus is a specialized etching and ashing instrument designed and manufactured by OXFORD Instruments. It is ideally suited for research and academic applications, such as the investigation of materials, structures and coatings under real laboratory conditions. The instrument integrates a range of impressive technology and features in order to provide higher levels of control and accuracy. Plasmalab 800 Plus boasts a powerful 600 watt radio frequency generator which is capable of delivering more precise processing parameters for higher accuracy in the etching and ashing process. In addition, process efficiencies are further improved through the inclusion of a 20" plasma chamber and the inclusion of advanced Thrust Zone plasma technology. This delivers a uniform plasma density, resulting in an even etch depth. Other features of OXFORD Plasmalab 800 Plus include an innovative gas management system and an integrated plasma-eye camera. The gas management system enables quick, easy and repeatable gas mixing of up to five gases, while the Plasma Eye camera ensures users can keep an eye on the etching and ashing process throughout. The instrument also offers several productivity-enhancing benefits, such chambers with dual-border locks and tray-mounted fixtures. Furthermore, it has the added benefit of being a fully automated and programmable system which allows the user to program recipes so etch depths and other factors can be accurately reproduced each time. In terms of safety, Plasmalab 800 Plus includes touch-safe covers and plasma-tight seals to reduce contamination risks and keep the lab safe. The instrument is also made from highly durable materials which ensure high levels of reliability, as well as reduce maintenance costs by ensuring the instrument's components remain better protected for longer. In conclusion, OXFORD Plasmalab 800 Plus is a versatile and accurate etching and ashing instrument which perfectly combines advanced features and impressive technology in order to offer high levels of versatility, accuracy and reliability.
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