Used ULVAC NE-5000N #293659687 for sale

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ID: 293659687
Wafer Size: 6"
Vintage: 2000
Dry etching system, 6" Non SMIF Type 2000 vintage.
ULVAC NE-5000N is a etching/ashers designed for a wide range of production processes and offers an impressive array of features. It is equipped with a feature rich vacuum chamber and an array of temperature-controlled process vessels. The chamber is capable of reaching pressures up to 5 Torr and temperatures to 250°C, allowing for a variety of production processes such as etching, sputtering, CVD (chemical vapor deposition), PVD (physical vapor deposition), LPCVD (low-pressure chemical vapor deposition), and resistive film deposition. This flexibility makes NE-5000N an ideal solution for a wide range of prototyping and production applications. ULVAC NE-5000N is extremely user-friendly and includes a full range of control features, including programmable process parameters, temperature control, and remote access via Ethernet. This allows users to easily configure the etcher to their desired specifications, as well as monitor it remotely in real time. The control system also features powerful software for analyzing process data to further improve its performance. This system can be accessed from a variety of platforms, including laptops, tablets, smartphones, and PCs. This etcher is also equipped with a range of sintering furnaces, which can be used to create precise microstructures by sputtering, etching, and annealing metals and other materials. This can be done in a controlled, batch-processed environment, producing high precision surfaces for further guidance, or to serve as a source material for further machining or other process steps. NE-5000N also offers a range of safety features, including an emergency off-gas system and pressure and vacuum safety systems. It is also designed with fully isolated components that are built to last and reduce their impact on the environment. This model of etcher was designed with maximum safety and efficiency in mind, ensuring a safe and productive work environment.
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