Used FIB 200XP Equipment for sale

FIB 200XP is a leading manufacturer in the field of ion milling technology. They specialize in developing highly efficient and advanced Focused Ion Beam (FIB) systems that have revolutionized various industries, including semiconductor, materials science, and nanotechnology. Their flagship product, the FIB 200XP, is a cutting-edge ion milling machine that offers unparalleled precision and control over material removal and nano-fabrication processes. The FIB technology utilized in this system enables high-resolution imaging and precise manipulation of nanoscale structures with exceptional ease. The FIB 200XP is equipped with various features that make it ideal for a wide range of applications. Its advanced imaging capabilities, achieved through the use of a highly focused gallium ion beam, allow users to examine and characterize intricate surface structures at a resolution of up to 1 nanometer. Furthermore, the system's extensive selection of ion beam and gas injection options provides users with the flexibility to precisely control the etching and milling processes. This versatility enables the fabrication of complex structures, such as nano-devices and integrated circuits, with superb resolution and accuracy. In addition to its cutting-edge ion milling capabilities, FIB 200XP offers a range of complementary features. The system incorporates an integrated scanning electron microscope (SEM), enabling simultaneous imaging and milling for in-situ analysis and modification of samples. Moreover, the FIB 200XP is built with user-friendly software interfaces, making it easily accessible to both seasoned researchers and newcomers to the field. FIB 200XP sets a new standard in ion milling technology, providing scientists and researchers with unparalleled capabilities for precise material removal and manipulation on the nanoscale. Its advanced features and user-friendly design make it an indispensable tool in various industries, revolutionizing the way materials are treated and processed at the atomic level.