Used ADVANTEST 512 Para motherboards for T 5588 #9387205 for sale
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ADVANTEST 512 Para motherboards for T 5588 is a powerful, versatile, and reliable system for performing final testing of products. It has been designed to meet the needs of a wide range of small to medium-sized enterprises. It is capable of quickly and accurately testing multiple boards simultaneously, while having a maximum capacity for up to 8 boards. 512 Para motherboards for T 5588 utilize a powerful 32-bit processor and boasts a RAM of 2MB of internal memory to support a variety of software platforms. It also has a 12-bit DAC/ADC, 4-channel DMA controller, and a UART with error handling capabilities. The board features an active backplane interface that simplifies the use of external circuitry, and comes with supporting protocol buses such as the CAN, RS-232, RS-422, and RS-485. This makes it ideal for interfacing with a variety of devices, including sensors and other input/output circuitry. Other features of ADVANTEST 512 Para motherboards for T 5588 include JTAG/MSP4, VoIP, VCI, DC/DC, and PPI interfaces. These are ideal for a range of testing activity, ranging from manufacturing quality testing to industrial grade projects. The board also includes a battery-backed clock/calendar for programming and system control. ADVANTEST 512 Para has also been designed to be extremely reliable and efficient. It features ESD and surge protection, and can support up to 8 boards simultaneously with up to 1.25A of continuous current draw. In addition, the board is also programmable so it can be adapted to meet the changing demands of different projects. In conclusion, 512 Para motherboards for T 5588 provides an optimal solution for anyone looking for a powerful and efficient final test system. It is capable of accurately testing up to 8 boards simultaneously and has an active backplane interface for external circuits. It is also designed for reliability and is backed by a battery-backed clock/calendar and a variety of supporting protocol buses.
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