Used ADVANTEST T 5365P #9179770 for sale

T 5365P
ID: 9179770
Tester mainframe Boards: DPU Name P/N IFL BGR-016793 IFA BGR-016794 DCL BGR-016797 DC BGR-019486 DC - DCL BGR-016797 DC BGR-019486 DC - DCL BGR-016797 DC BGR-019486 DC - DCL BGR-016797 DC BGR-019486 DC - PSL BGR-016795 PS BGR-016796 PS BGR-016796 PS - PS - PSL BGR-016795 PS BGR-016796 PS BGR-016796 PS - PS - 16V - 16V - HVL BGR-017417 HV BGR-017418 HV - SCU Name P/N SC BGR-018840 SC BGR-018840 SC BGR-018840 SC BGR-018840 DDIST BGR-018839 DDIST BGR-018839 SDIST BGR-018838 DDIST BGR-018839 DDIST BGR-018839 SC - SC - SC - SC - PCPE - PCPE - IF BGR-018842 VOO Name P/N IOVD BGR-018837 IOVD BGR-018837 IOVD BGR-018839 IOVD BGR-018837 DRVD BGR-018836 DRVD BGR-018836 DRVD BGR-018836 DRVD BGR-018836 Main: PG/FM Name P/N PGIF BGR-018197 PFCON BGR-018198 PC BGR-018199 AGEN BGR-018200 DGEN BGR-018201 SCR BGR-018390 AGEN - DGEN - SCR - DIST BGR-018203 AMUX BGR-019378 DMUX BGR-019379 DMUX BGR-019379 MMUX BGR-019380 VCONT - VMEM - VFORM - DFM BGR-019383 DFM BGR-019383 ASEL BGR-019381 ASEL - ADLY BGR-019382 ADLY BGR-019382 FMCON BGR-018207 PM - AFM BGR-019384 AFM BGR-019384 AFM BGR-019384 AFM BGR-019384 AFM - AFM - AFM - AFM - TERM BGR-018629 TOPC Name P/N TGIF BGR-015554 TH/IF BGR-018125 MDA 6104420X05 TGCNT BIR-013610 RATE BGR-014633/BIR-015398 DELAY BGR-015470 CLK BGR-015466X02 CLK BGR-015466X02 STRCNT BGR-015467X02 DELAY BGR-015470 CLK BGR-015466X02 PDS1 BGR-018834 PDS2 BGR-018834 FC1 BGR-015839 FC2 BGR-015839 FC3 BGR-015839 FC4 BGR-015839 FC5 BGR-015839 FTUIF BGR-018841 VIO Name P/N IOVIO - IOVIO - IOVIO - IOVIO - ANA - DRVIO - DRVIO - ANA - IOVIO BGR-018824 IOVIO BGR-018824 IOVIO BGR-018824 IOVIO BGR-018824 ANA BGR-018822 DRVIO BGR-018823 DRVIO BGR-018823 ANA BGR-018822 LOG BGR-018821.
ADVANTEST T 5365P Final Test Equipment is a highly efficient, semi-automated manufacturing tester designed to meet the stringent demands of driving yields, quality, and cost per device. Ideal for high-volume production settings, T 5365P offers a comprehensive suite of test capabilities and station flexibility necessary for a production environment. The system is based on PC motherboard architecture, and powered by a Core 2 Duo processor to ensure reliable and fast performance. ADVANTEST T 5365P supports 4 digital I/O channels for increased throughput and high accuracy, allowing for the performance of multi-line functional tests. Its multi-line capability is made possible by the use of an advanced digital pattern generator and single-ended/differential comparator and multiplexer with an optional internal switch matrix. Its tooling unit includes a proprietary T-ContactorsTM that enables rapid loading and unloading of test devices. It also allows for lengthy queue times by allowing devices to be tested asynchronously. This reduces the need for fixture re-setting and improves overall test efficiency. T 5365P is designed with built-in thermal dissipation and Contamination Free (CF) capabilities. The ability to dissipate thermal energy during testing time decreases the frequency of re-work and allows for quick switchover between chips. Additionally, a CF-ready feature can be used to prevent contamination and damage to chips. The machine utilizes a graphical user interface (GUI) and Automated Programming Environment (APE) to program fast, easy and cost effective test solutions. It stores test vectors directly in the tool memory and offers a feature-rich debugging luxury to assist engineers in troubleshooting complex designs. ADVANTEST T 5365P includes extensive Diagnostics and Statistical Analysis Software which enables the user to perform detailed analysis of device performance. This asset is capable of log analysis and reporting results in various statistical formats. T 5365P Final Test Model is an ideal platform for test engineers and operators looking for fast and reliable test solutions. Its comprehensive suite of features, advanced diagnostics, and configurable test options make it an optimal solution for any production testing needs.
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