Used ADVANTEST T 5723ES #9242213 for sale

T 5723ES
ID: 9242213
Vintage: 2004
Tester 2004 vintage.
ADVANTEST TR 5723ES is a highly reliable final testing equipment designed for the development and verification of electronic assemblies. It is a fully automated tester, capable of running a wide range of automated tests, from basic functionality to advanced network and processor tests. The system is based on a modular test platform, allowing for the easy integration of additional test modules to extend the test capabilities of the unit. The TR 5723ES includes a variety of powerful features designed to make testing efficient and accurate. The machine is capable of testing up to one hundred components simultaneously, making it an ideal choice for rapid testing and prototyping. It is equipped with an extensive library of automated scripts to execute tests quickly and accurately, without the need for extensive programming knowledge. The tool incorporates an advanced computer-controlled measurement asset which can accurately measure current, resistance, and voltage. It can measure frequencies up to 250 MHz and accurately measure and calibrate board-level components such as PCBs and capacitors. The model also includes a comprehensive data acquisition equipment and analysis software, allowing for the accurate analysis of both digital and analog measurements. The TR 5723ES also includes a wide range of advanced safety features designed to ensure test accuracy and reliability. The tester is capable of automatically detecting and troubleshooting board issues, such as out-of-spec components or damaged traces. It is also equipped with an advanced safety control system, to prevent any possible accidental disconnection or malfunction of the unit. ADVANTEST TR 5723ES is an ideal choice for development, prototyping, and reliability testing applications. Its advanced measurement and safety features ensure accurate results and high reliability during operation. Its modular design allows for easy integration with other test platforms for additional flexibility and enhanced test capability. There is no better choice for quickly and reliably testing electronic assemblies.
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